Through Jesus Christ, we are once again becoming the people we were created to be – knowing God and living according to his purposes. Therefore, we value every word God speaks to us and every step we take in submitting our lives to God’s intentions and purposes.

We are taking our places in God’s story between Jesus’ resurrection and the renewal of all creation. God invites us to be part of his redemptive mission in the world around, although it’s far beyond what any of us can accomplish on our own. So we are a people humbly dependent on God inviting the work of the Holy Spirit in us and through us.

We are as unique and diverse as the parts of the human body, but we all belong, we all have value, and we all have a place.

As a thankful people who understand we have been blessed by God, we want to leverage all that God has given us to be a blessing to others.

We believe that God’s work in us and through us is ongoing. As we follow Jesus together, we do so expecting him to show up and to continue transforming us into a people who are naturally loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.

We want to follow Jesus together. As a church, we want to do whatever it takes to do that well, but nothing else.

We want to be a people so clear and so focused on following Jesus together that we see God’s redemptive work multiplied like ripples in a still pond disturbed by a large stone.